Friday, 26 June 2009

Some of the exercices I did in class. IT WS KND OF DIFULCUL BUT FINALLY I COULD DO IT.

1.Nowhere is there a city in the world with as many beautiful moments as Rome.

2.Very rarely do you come across anyone nowadays who has not been abroad.

3.Only by living in a country where a language is spoken, can you learn it.

4.Under no circumstances should tourist be allowed to visit the Antarctic.

5 Not until you have tried French cuisine, will you truly know what good food is.

6. Not only did I hate visiting monuments as a child, but also I could not stand going into museums

Friday, 19 June 2009

language V blogging experience.

Hi, dear classmates.

Well, today I am going to write about how has been my language V blogging experience. First of all, I have never had my own blog page. So this is my first time that I have a concrete space to express my feelings, say what I think about something, what I like or not, what I agree or disagree with. I am totally free to say what I want, For that reason I have enjoyed writing it in English.

Another thing that I really like and enjoy is to share my opinion in english with my classmates, they can post me what they think about it, and I can reply them too. The funny thing is that I can know their opinions, sometimes they make me laugh with their hilarious post, make me reflect about an important thing and also I can hear their interviews that are so interesting. The important thing is that we can agree or disagree with any opinion and say it but always with respect and giving reasons why we disagree.

Now, I have to say that writing in English have been a great experience, because I have learnt a lot of new vocabulary which I have to look for them in order to make sence to the topic that teacher gave us everyday in the blogaton. Also I have learnt new expressions from my classmates’s blogs. At the same time I can practice my reading comprehension, my listening because we have up loaded videos, my speaking because we had to record our opinion, and especially in my writing which is improving a lot. so, I can practice all in just one blog it is fantastic! for all those reasons I love English phive.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

I really like this topic, because I like watching cartoons, but what is hard to me is choose my favorite one character. I was thinking for about 5 minutes and I was not sure, but finally, I could have one, this caharacter is called Arnol and I chose him because he is really interesting fantastic character who is a mature child, has many friends, and he always is giving good advises, he is a so good person, generous, friendly and wear a little blue jockey and finally his best friend is jerald. I love him.

household chores

First of all, I have to say that I am cold and I have to do something to get hot so, the perfect solution fot it is doing household chores, such as ironing, sweeping my bedroom, or shaking off the carpet ,or something like tha something related to physical movement. But what I am not going to do is watching the dishes, or cleaning the bathroom, or laundrying, or moping I don´t want to touch the water at all until summer at least. so, please I ´ve got to go.

Monday, 15 June 2009

My lucky number.

Well, I don´t really had a lucky number. But the number that I would consider as lucky is 7 which means effort, dedication, and a hard work, because it is the maximun grade that here, in Chile we can get in the tests, works, so on. thus, when I have a 7 I feel happy, confident and proud of myself.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Today I am going to write about a place in Chile that I would like visit. Personally, I think Chile has the most beautiful places to visit such us Torres del Paines, Las 7 tasas, Atacama desert, beatiful beaches, chilean antartic, easter island and so on.
although I would like visit all those beatiful places, There is one special place that I would like to vitit first, it is Easter Island where pascuenses live, because it is one of the few cultures that keeps the languaje, beliefs, dances, and many things that they as culture have known how to keep. Also I would like to watch "moais" which are a big mistery who created them. Another things that I ve heard about them is the delicious food, and dances.
well I must say I am going to be there as soon as posible.
see you! iorana!

Sunday, 7 June 2009

reflexive essay

Well, I already chose my topic for my reflexive essay, it is going to be about motivation.
I chose this because I strongly belive that almost all children dont have any motivation to go to school, to study anything. Thus, we us a teacher have to know reasons why they behave that way, and the most important it is to know how can we motivate them to learn.

I know they realize that maybe they don´t have any future, because of their personal problems, or maybe they just think in food or what they are going to eat next day. Personally, I have seen by my work experince how in two different courses "A" and "B" of the same level (first elementary grader) behave in different ways, for example in "A" children want to do their homeworks, it is hard for them, but at least they try. However, in the other one course "B", they are so lazy, they don´t like to write anything, and they are predispose to don´t get anything.

Therefore, motivation is highly related to the disposition to learn that each student has.
For that reason, for me is a good topic, because I am trying with student with that kind of problems which are influence by motivation, and I am interested in learn more about it. So, the article written by Andrew Littlejohn give some advises for teachers, and talk about the sources of motivation, then it is going to solve some doubts that I have respect this topic, and also to practice with students.

Friday, 5 June 2009

about Ken Robinson

What I heard of Ken Robinson make think that we are living in an absolutely capitalist world. Where children have to be educated in order to contribute to the economic development of our country. But, what about children that don’t want to be insert to this kind of world?. It is known that children are thought to be like society needs them. In the cense, they can not be themselves, they can not be different. But, what about creativity?. Here in Chile we can see the same; creativity is a thing that have to be practice like a hobby, not like a thing that can be a job, or your future.

when I were at school I had a subject called " visual arts", where I had to do things that the teacher told me to do, which form, which color, everything. Not leting us to do anything by our creativity.
Thus, education in general prepares children without any creativity. They are just ready to do what people say, to receive instruction, like in all the jobs.

What can we do to improve this problem, what can we do if the state wants people who be efficient in their jobs, making what other powerful person suggest them. Avoiding autonomy, and creativity.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009


Nowadays, education is so important because it provides us of tools to confront our lives in a good way. I mean our economical situation depend on the studies we have, the kind of education we have, so for example a doctor needs to be good educated in terms of academic studies, in order to fulfill his/her rol.
the bad thing is that the quality of our education depends on the money mainly.The most you pay the best quality you have. but, what about poor people!, they don´t have enough money to choose which kind of education they want to. knowing that the state pay for them, public school still having bad quality in terms of knowing according with standars tests.

this is the case of us chilean poor people, but what can we do to improve it?, how can poor people have a good quality of in term of eduction?, I know it is difficult to solve, but we are going to be a teachers so, we can be a hero of the education, what do you think?
